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Dear Lawyers

3 years ago, I bought a small and very old building of 3 stores in jbeil Byblos. 1 apartment has a tenant. She has been living there since ages.

I did not raise any legal action up to now as I was trying to negotiate amicably but no success. She wants me to buy her another apartment so she can leave :)) now I believe when they say tenant is the king in Lebanon ...

I live abroad and I don't have an apartment neither a house in leb that's why I bought this small building
Also the building is very very old and there are some cracks there so I am worried as well that one day this whole thing will fall off and this could cause big trouble for me
I want the tenant to be out so I can either destroy/rebuild or strengthen the base/renovate
Additionally it seems that there is a govt law being baked at the moment that could be potentially in the favor of landlord

So questions for you pls

1. Is the above a sound reason for me to take legal action?
2. If yes, how long would it take? And what are the chances for success? And how much would approx cost in Lebanon such cases as I am getting some crazy quotes.
4. Is it better to wait until the new law to come up as probably this could be in my favor?

What are your recommendations? If I want to fix this by end of this year I.e. Very quickly. I need a very efficient lawyer with strong connections to help.

Tuesday 21st of May 2013 09:32:51 AM
Views: 927
Replies: 3 View Post
I have a problem with a public sector of Lebanon. Can I present a case against a Public sector such ministery or municipality?
Sunday 12th of May 2013 02:47:05 AM
Views: 879
Replies: 4 View Post
My Name is Nicole, I was in flight from Beirut to Italy.
When I arrived to my destination I waited so long in the airport to get my bags and after a long wait, I inquired the airline and I learned that one of my luggage was not arrived (The other 2 I got them after waiting about 1 hour and half).
My trip is a business trip for 2 days, now am back to Beirut and till now I didn't have time to see what to do or to retrieve my lost luggage? Who is responsible? Is there a compensation? What to do. Can your Firm Lawyers Lebanon take the case.
Friday 10th of May 2013 06:39:19 AM
Views: 898
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I have a question, I hope I get help from any Lebanese lawyer
Can any individual from public be a part in an adjudication tribunal set by a judge (I mean here a Mazad 3alaneh)
And if yes, how to know when this happens and in which tribunal? Is there any board or bulletin or a Lebanese magazine someone can review to know what is new regarding this? Do we have to be assisted by a Lawyer?

Saturday 27th of April 2013 12:07:25 AM
Views: 995
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تعاقدت مع زميلي في العمل السيد مازن على شراء ماكينات صناعية وقد اتفقنا على ان يعالج أي خلاف حول تنفيذه بواسطة السيد وفيق وهو صديق قديم لنا
حصل خلاف على حصة كل واحد منا في الربح بعد بيع الماكينات وبعد ان طلبت منه اللجوء الى السيد وفيق لمعالجة الوضع رفض ذلك لانه لم يعد يثق به.
هل يمكنه ذلك؟ ماذا يمكنني ان أفعل؟
Sunday 7th of April 2013 01:15:36 AM
Views: 995
Replies: 3 View Post